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Valeo Transmission Systems - The Dual Wet Clutch (DWC)

Dual Wet Clutches are some of the most advanced clutch systems available, offering impressive advantages over other clutch types.

What is a Dual Wet Clutch?

Learn about This Innovative Transmission Technology

Whether you’re wondering what is a dual wet clutch transmission is or you are already familiar, you will learn everything you need to know about Valeo Dual Wet Clutch transmission systems in this 25-minute free webinar.

How Dual Wet Clutches Compare

Transmission hybridisation has led to the creation of new transmission types beyond the traditional manual and automatic transmissions. We’ll put the Dual Wet Clutch (DWC) in context by comparing it to other transmission systems. We’ll cover some of the main criteria influencing new engine and transmission design. You’ll discover why dual clutch transmissions are considered to combine the best aspects of manual and automatic transmissions. 

Operation of Dual Wet Clutches

We will explain the operation and working principles of the dual wet clutch in detail. You’ll learn the difference between dual dry clutches and dual wet clutches and what applications are appropriate for each transmission type. You’ll discover what a “dual” clutch consists of and how it allows two gears to be engaged simultaneously. You’ll also learn how the DWC can change gears in a few milliseconds and why you won’t experience sudden jerking motion from poor gear change on vehicles equipped with the DWC. 

Components of Dual Wet Clutches

You’ll discover the architecture of the dual wet clutch transmission and what the inside of a dual clutch looks like. We’ll show you the different components of the system with 3D diagrams to illustrate their function. You’ll learn what parts comprise each “clutch pack.” We’ll explain how the design of the DWC enables high pressure and quick release while maintaining excellent thermal dissipation. We will explain the differences between piston-type and double concentric slave cylinder-type DWCs. 

Advantages of Dual Wet Clutches

The DWC system has several advantages over conventional clutches, from better fuel economy to improved driver comfort. We’ll explain these advantages and how the DWC design makes them possible. We’ll show you how the Dual Wet Clutch transmission has vastly improved over three generations. You’ll discover the customer benefits of Valeo’s DWC and why the design is popular in many high-end vehicles. 

Valeo Clutch Systems

Valeo is an expert in clutch systems and clutch replacement parts. That’s why OEMs have adopted Valeo’s DWC solution on a number of models. We’ll show you the list of vehicles currently equipped with the Valeo DWC. Valeo also offers clutches and clutch kits for the aftermarket. If you’re looking for a clutch part or a clutch kit, you can find it in the Tech@ssist part finder portal by searching by model, VIN, or part number. Tech@ssist also has other training videos that may interest you, such as the Dual Wet Clutch video fitment guide.  

What You Will Learn in Our Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What are the main advantages of the Dual Wet Clutch
  • How a Dual Wet Clutch operates
  • Differences between DWCs and other clutch systems

Afterwards, you can download materials like technical service bulletins on wet clutch fitting steps, tips for fitting wet clutches, and frequently asked questions about wet clutches. We’ll also include a leaflet on Getrag Future FWD DCT Technologies.


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