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Top 5 Causes of a Leaking Concentric Slave Cylinder

What does a CSC do and what causes it to leak? Find the answer to these questions and more.

Learn Everything About CSC Leaks

Learn from the Clutch Experts

Concentric Slave Cylinders (CSCs) are a crucial component of clutch systems in many vehicles. Seemingly small mistakes while operating or repairing the vehicle can damage the part and prevent the clutch from properly functioning. This can result in a clutch pedal that won’t move, which makes the vehicle inoperable. In this 29-minute free webinar, you will learn the five most common causes of slave cylinder leaks and how to avoid them.

The Importance of the CSC

The Concentric Slave Cylinder acts as a piston to disengage the clutch. Mishandling the part in a variety of ways can cause Concentric Slave Cylinder leaks. Based on feedback from warranty claims and our hotline, we’ll present the five most common causes of leaking concentric slave cylinders. These are not due to a manufacturing defect but the incorrect handling of the part, which can contaminate the part and cause it to degrade and improperly function. We’ll explain common symptoms of the issue and why it’s essential to handle the part correctly.

Symptoms of CSC Leaking

If the clutch pedal refuses to move, you may have an issue with the concentric slave cylinder. We will demonstrate the symptoms of a damaged CSC and show you photos comparing a standard part with a damaged one, so you will be able to identify the swelling caused by damage. You’ll also see an image of the proper mounting of the part, as it’s crucial to install it to the gearbox properly to avoid an incorrect seal. Finally, you’ll learn how to identify a CSC with an extra seal trapped inside. 

Consequences of CSC Damage

No matter the cause, damage generally makes the seal leak and fail to function correctly. We’ll explain what can go wrong if you improperly install or operate the CSC and illustrate how this part can be damaged. You’ll learn the number one cause of warranty issues and hotline calls related to the CSC, and you’ll also discover what action can result in permanent damage. 

Best Practices for Handling CSCs

Since the consequences are so high, it’s essential to understand how to avoid damage. We’ll cover the best practices and proper procedures for handling the part. You’ll discover the do’s and don’ts of CSCs and which kinds of hydraulic fluid are suited for your CSC. You’ll also learn how to bleed a CSC properly without causing damage.  

Valeo CSCs and Clutch Parts

While it is easily damaged, the CSC plays a vital role in the clutch system. We’ll demonstrate the CSC’s role in the clutch system and the main advantages of CSCs over alternatives. After the webinar, you’ll find a leaflet about Valeo’s range of clutch hydraulic systems in the downloads section. We also offer a range of clutches, clutch replacement parts, and clutch kits. You can find any replacement parts in our Tech@ssist parts finder portal by searching by model, VIN, or part number.

What You Will Learn in Our Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How the CSC works 
  • What are the leading causes of CSC failure
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of repairing CSCs

Afterwards, you can download materials like a Valeo clutch hydraulic systems leaflet and technical service bulletins like repair info for clutch hydraulics and a CSC fault diagnosis chart.


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