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How Does The Valeo High Efficiency Alternator Work?

As regulations become stricter with time, new technologies are needed to reduce emissions. Get an expert introduction to the High Efficiency Alternator in this free webinar.

All About Valeo Efficient Alternators

Discover One of the Latest Innovations

Manufacturers must balance stricter emissions requirements with increasing energy demands to power electronic systems in new vehicles. The Efficient Generation Alternator (EGA) was invented in response to these competing demands. So how does it work, and how do its components vary from standard alternators? In this 17-minute free webinar, you will get a broad overview of Efficient Generation Alternators.

Why are EGAs Necessary

EU CO2 emissions regulations are becoming stricter by the year. As Europe moves towards an internal-combustion engine ban, the exceptions for low-volume vehicles are disappearing. That means the penalties for exceeding grams emitted per kilometre (g/km) targets are becoming more costly for manufacturers. We’ll explain what the penalties are in this webinar. 

This added cost has driven a new focus on efficiency and fuel economy in Internal Combustion Engine designs. Power losses due to inefficient alternator designs were one cause of excess fuel consumption and thus CO2 emissions. At the same time, new electronic systems have become popular. We’ll briefly detail the wide range systems that are increasing the demand for power from the alternator. We’ll show how much they’ve increased alternator output since the year 2000.

What Is an Efficient Generation Alternator

Valeo identified which parts of the alternator could be redesigned for efficiency to create an efficient alternator that can handle higher power output while consuming less power from the engine. You’ll discover the three main mechanics affecting efficiency levels in the alternator and how the Efficient Generation Alternator design responds to them. The EGA functions essentially the same as a standard alternator but has a more efficient design thanks to redesigned parts. We’ll go over these parts in the webinar. 

Parts That Make up the Efficient Generation Alternator

Certain parts like diodes needed more than a simple redesign to improve efficiency meaningfully. The MOSFET was the breakthrough solution to improving efficiency significantly compared to diodes. We’ll explain what a MOSFET is, how it works, and how it lowers power losses. You’ll discover the design changes that improved parts carried over from traditional alternators, such as rotors. These parts have already equipped many cars on the road today, so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with how they function. If you encounter an EGA-equipped vehicle which needs replacement parts, the Valeo Tech@ssist parts finder portal lets you search by model, VIN, or part reference number. We also have free webinars such as Starter & Alternator Diagnosis and Troubleshooting.

Efficient Generation Alternator Efficiency Gains

Valeo’s efficient alternator design is award-winning. The efficient alternator design has several benefits beyond improving efficiency and power output. Notably, this component reduces CO2 emissions. We’ll zoom in on what affects efficiency levels in each alternator part and how the new design improves it. Watch our webinar to discover the details of the impressive improvements of EGAs over standard alternators. 

What You Will Learn in Our Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What is an Efficient Generation Alternator and how does it work
  • What parts the Efficient Generation Alternator  is made of
  • Benefits and efficiency gains of the Efficient Generation Alternator

Afterwards, you can download materials like technical service bulletins about the EGA and our StARS starter-alternator system. We have also included a technical handbook for the StARS system.


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