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The radiator is the main heat exchanger located at the front of the engine, or if air conditioning is mounted, behind the condenser. It transfers the heat ejected by the engine to the ambient air through the coolant. The main function of the radiator is to redistribute heat created by the engine so that it doesn't seize up or overheat.

Valeo Service - OES offers the radiator alternative range covering more than 80% (mix of Gennuine and alternative range) of European passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles 5-10 years old car parc. Valeo Aftermarket Radiators benefit from strong O.E. expertise in Thermal systems.


  • Genuine parts : A product identical to O.E part or different technology with same level of performance and quality are designed for aftermarket needs.
  • Alternative ranges : A non - O.E product; designed, manufactured & tested based on Valeo's know-how with optimised performance compatable for vehicle's age and mileage.


The benefits are as follows :

  • Optimized design of the radiator, depending on the vehicle requirement and vehicle age segment.
  • Enhanced corrosion resistance & thermal shocks confirming no leakages.
  • Fitting adaptability with flexible design and tolerancing for connections.