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Cabin air filter with anti-allergen properties

Valeo was the first to introduce on the european market, patented cabin air filter featuring polyphenol. Polyphenols are natural compounds widely present in plants and well-known for their beneficial health impact.

Based on combined technology of active carbon and polyphenol coating Valeo ClimFilter Supreme provides not only the protection against entering the allergens into the cabin (neutralization at the first polyphenol layer), but as well protects against harmful gases, odours, pollution, dust and particles.


Different tests confirmed ClimFilter™ Supreme efficiency against the strongest European allergens. The test issued by external laboratory confirmed an efficiency against allergen at 92%. The other scientific test issued in real conditions of use proved it as well - following recent test conducted by laboratory AirTest under the scientific aegis of RNSA (Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique, French Aerobiological National Survey Network), the efficiency against allergen was approved at level of 95%.

Airtest laboratory confirmed that due to the polyphenol treatment the pollen allergenicity can be significantly reduced as well when no-use of the car.


The inhalation issues and respiratory allergies are a growing concern.

Nowadays more than 2.1 billion people in the world and up to 30% of the European population suffers form inhalation allergy issues. These figures have doubled in the past ten years. As pollution and continuous exposure to allergens may also provoke an allergy at any age, it is important to diminish this risk. And yet, the probability of allergy suffers being involved in a traffic accident is 30%(1) higher.

The symptoms of inhalation allergies (sneezing, itching, watery eyes, runny nose, headache…) are not only a source of discomfort, they can significantly impair driver concentration. For

example, when sneezing at 80km/h driving speed a driver will cover a 25 meters distance with eyes closed(2).


ClimFilter™ Supreme unifies the highest protection, comfort and safety offering the unique 4 level protection in one product.

The filter is designed for all drivers and their passengers, whatever their sensivity to allergens.

Produced in France, This new ClimFilter™ Supreme was launched in Aftermarket middle of 2013.

In 2005 Valeo also become the first automotive supplier to launch a range of cabin air filters with polyphenol technology in Japan, specially designed for Japanese allergens.


(1) by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

(2) by the Automobilclub Deutschland AvD