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Clutch Conversion Kits

Clutch technology has advanced considerably over the years. What type of flywheel is best for your vehicle may surprise you.

What Are Clutch Conversion Kits?

Discover the Valeo Clutch Conversion Kit

Dual Mass Flywheels (DMF) have several advantages over traditional solid flywheels, but they aren’t always the best option for replacement. Clutch Conversion Kits are a great alternative when you need to change both the flywheel and clutch. These kits replace DMFs with solid flywheels and high-efficiency clutches using a long travel damper system. In this in-depth 10-minute free webinar, you will learn everything you need to know about the Valeo Kit4P Clutch Conversion Kit.

Difference between DMF and Solid Flywheel

The solid flywheel included in the Kit4P clutch conversion kit has several notable differences compared to DMFs, including parts complexity, RPM range for resonance, and durability. When the DMF was first introduced, it had several advantages over a solid flywheel which led to its widespread adoption. So why are some manufacturers now choosing to fit vehicles with the Kit4P system instead?


While solid flywheels are an older technology, they have some advantages over DMFs. The Kit4P system has particular benefits for heat dissipation, cost, and torque transfer, all of which affect durability long-term. Solid flywheels can also reduce clutch-related vibration compared to dual flywheels, but we’ll explain why that may not always be desirable. Overall, there are several benefits to solid flywheel kits that make them an excellent choice for replacing a DMF in many vehicles.


Before fitting a Kit4P clutch conversion kit, it’s crucial to verify that it’s compatible with the vehicle. It’s also very important to know what to check before installation and which major mistakes to avoid when fitting the Kit4P. Our webinar will tell you where to find this information and provide other helpful resources if you still have questions before installing.


In this webinar, we will answer the most common questions about the Kit4P clutch conversion kit, including its compatibility with stop/start systems, its fuel consumption, and compatibility with CSC and OE parts. We’ll also look at whether concerns over crankshafts and vibrations are warranted. Most importantly, we’ll examine in which cases the kit is NOT compatible with a vehicle.

Valeo’s range

Not sure which flywheel is right for you? Valeo offers a range of options for flywheel replacement, including DMFs, solid flywheels, and the Kit4P system. This webinar will help you determine the perfect option for your budget, vehicle type, and performance needs. You’ll discover the advantages and disadvantages of the Kit4P system and whether you ultimately want to choose it over a DMF.

What You Will Learn in Our Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What E10 is actually made of 
  • How to find out if your car is E10 compatible
  • What to do if your car isn’t compatible with E10

You’ll also learn how E10 can corrode non-compatible vehicle engines and how to handle misfueling a non-compatible car with E10.

Afterwards, you will find downloadable materials about the new fuel called E10, including Frequently Asked Questions and a list of compatible manufacturers. There is also a link to the government website to search if your specific model of vehicle is compatible with E10.


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